
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Power of Assets

Assets simply put can be anything that puts money into your pocket or bank account. Commonly held assets are income-generating Real Estate, Preferred, or common stocks that generate a dividend. Or the stock has appreciated and is sold for a profit. Assets are also businesses, side gigs, or even a job. The best type of income-generating assets is passive ones. These assets require little to no attention in order for the owner or possessee to receive compensation. Most people are taught to go to school maybe receive a high school diploma or a Bachelors's degree to get a job. Which is a great idea and a beneficial way to spend your time; its what I did. The only downside I see to the college road is that tuition continually rises, therefore the amount of debt accumulated will be attached. I am grateful for my Liberal Arts education.  I didn't receive total Freedom until I started working for myself as a self-employed business owner. Instead, of having just one job or role, w...